Akgün Construction Materials
Akgün Construction Materials
It is a subsidiary company of Akgün Group which operates in the distribution of construction materials both inside and outside the country.
It is one of the leading names of the construction materials industry with its up to 300.000 tons of investments per year to many regions mainly the east regions of Turkey, and Russia and Ukraine.
XPS, EPS, glass wool, stone wool, iron-steel, gypsum plasters, drywall systems, concrete and ceramic tiles, heat and sound insulation materials are among the construction materials it distributes. Working with internationally recognized construction materials producers such as Ytong, Saint-Gobain Weber Yapı Kimyasalları, İçdaş, Akgün Seramik ve Granit, Söğüt Seramik, Karabük Demir-Çelik,İzocam, Adana Çimento, Aşkale Çimento, Sias Sivas Alçı, ABS Alçı, Lafarge Dalsan Alçı, Tepe Betopan, BTM Bütümlü Tecrit Maddeleri, Demirsac Galvaniz, Akgün Construction Materials is among the first 5 distributors based on the sales volume in the construction materials industry every year.
Akgün Construction Materials grows the volume of the authorized dealerships of the East Anatolia and the East Black Sea Regions every year from the storages which are located in a very advantageous position in logistic terms in Erzurum city centre.
In Ukraine and Russia, it is among the leading companies of construction materials industry in the region with the representations of the producing companies of plaster, cement, construction chemicals and isolation materials.